Where’s the Unicorn?

When I started to process this photo my wife came in the room and said it looked like this picture should have a unicorn in it. I don’t know if she didn’t like it or thought it looked surreal? Either way I thought it was a good name for today’s post.

I was wearing waterproof boots and lugged my tripod out into the middle of the falls – they weren’t really roaring here as you can see in the bottom right hand corner where the water isn’t moving too quickly – and I waited for the sun to peak over the top of the rocks in the upper left hand corner. I fired off six shots at different exposures and blended them together so the details of the falls didn’t get blown out by the brightness of the sun.

Photo of the Day

Allevuial Falls in Denver’s Rocky Mountain National Park. Back in the 1970s a dam broke way up in the mountains and water rushed down these falls so quickly that it flooded the town and killed a lot of people. I forget how many but it was a decent amount and they have since re-dam’d the lake above in order to prevent it from happening again.